Saturday, December 26, 2015

Birthday Getaway: Day 1

I had this getaway planned since last year. Initially, I decided to celebrate my birthday alone, out of Malaysia. Then, I invited my brother. He then invited our cousins. They then invited the mothers. In the end, the only ones left were myself, the boyfriend, my cousin and her husband. My brother could not join us. The mothers could not join us.

Yes, I celebrated my birthday out of Malaysia. Not too far away though but, the place was amazing! We went to Koh Lipe.

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We had to go to Koh Lipe from Langkawi. Therefore, we spent one night in Langkawi. What was there to do in Langkawi other than having cheap boozes!

2015-11-10 22.15.12

On the same day, I found out that I bought the wrong date of departure to Koh Lipe. I had to buy new tickets. I was upset, really. However, the boyfriend turned the table around. I was really touched of what he did for me after.

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“I am here to amend your mistakes” was what he said to me. He did not want me to be sad especially during my birthday getaway.  I am really blessed that God sent him to me.

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